UDC 502.17
Key words: digitalization, rating, index, international ratings of digital development, Eurasian Economic Union, Belarus.
For citation: Novikova I. V., Ravino A. V. Determining the features of digitalization of the EAEU member states. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 1 (256), pp. 5–12 (In Russian). DOI:
Digitalization is the process of penetration of digital technologies into all aspects of human activity. Digitalization is the main direction of development of Belarus. With globalization, digitalization develops not only in the economy of one country, but also in integration unions. Belarus is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Eurasian integration is an important factor in the digitalization of the economy of Belarus and the EAEU member states. A comparative analysis of digitalization in the EAEU states is necessary for regional digital policy, digital interaction between states and the formation of a unified system of supranational regulation.
The purpose of the study is to determine the features of digitalization in the EAEU member states according to international ratings of digital development. The article contains an analysis of the place of the EAEU member states in digital rankings based on: ICT Development Index, Networked Readiness Index, Digital Adoption Index, UN Global E-Government Development Index, E-Participation Index, GovTech Maturity Index, Global Cybersecurity Index. An assessment of the position of Belarus in seven digital ratings is given. The features of digitalization of the EAEU member countries are studied. This is important for further research work in order to assess the threats and opportunities of digitalization in the EAEU and develop mechanisms for the institutional environment of the digital economy.
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