UDC 008(510)
Key words: globalization, “One Belt – One Road”, intercultural communication, diversification, research topics.
For citation: Weiwei Li. Study of the problems of intercultural communication in China. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 1 (255), pp. 42–47 (In Russian). DOI:
The article analyzes the background of globalization development, and points out that China’s crosscultural communication development is the product of globalization development, and it is also necessary for China's development. The article analyzes the development process of Chinese cross-cultural communication research, and discusses the new development trend of this research topic in the context of globalization and the new era. The article points out that in the 21st century, especially the proposal of the “One Belt – One Road” initiative, there are three main development characteristics in China’s crosscultural communication research: the number of translations of foreign works and the number of Chinese scholars' research has surged, and the number of published articles and books has been large. The research topics are gradually diversified, and the topics involve economics, education, communication and other fields; the research problems are more realistic, and they pay more attention to the problems and solutions in the process of cross-cultural communication, so as to establish a positive international image. The article concludes that China’s cross-cultural communication research is currently in a stage of rapid development. With the continuous development of Chinese society, it will involve more fields, more interdisciplinary disciplines will appear, and more practical problems will be solved in the future.
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