UDC 655.3.0006
Key words: microprofile, fractal dimension, paint capacity, saturation coefficient, paint transfer coefficient, information capacity.
For citation: Gromyko I. G. The relationship between the heterogeneous structure of the sealed surface and the information characteristics of the prints. Proceeding of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 1 (255), pp. 22–28 (In Russian). DOI:
The article presents studies of various brands of coated cardboard. Profilograms of the microprofile of the studied samples were constructed with the subsequent digitization procedure. For this purpose, an optical method was used to control the structure of the paper, which is characterized by a high penetrating ability. The analysis of the constructed profilograms made it possible to determine the fractal dimension of the paper structure. To assess the interaction of paper and ink during printing, the influence of fractal features of the microstructure on the paint capacity of cardboard samples was investigated. Saturation and paint transfer coefficients were also calculated and their dependences on the thickness of the ink layer on the printed form were constructed. The conducted studies revealed the influence of the inhomogeneous structure of the sealed surface on the accuracy of reproduction of image elements. To this end, an assessment of the nature of the distribution of paint on the sealed surface was carried out on the basis of an information approach. The considered approach made it possible to estimate the amount of information capacity losses taking into account the structure of the sealed surface. The calculation was based on the refined values of the relative area of raster elements and the effective lineature, changes in the values of which indicate violations of the graphical and gradational accuracy of the reproduced image.
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