UDC 821.111(73)–32
Key words:The “wilderness” motif, H. Thoreau, American Romanticism, Transcendentalism, nature, American Indians.
For citation: Blagoderova E. I. The “wilderness” motif in H. Thoreau’s works. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 1 (255), pp. 96–101 (In Russian). DOI:
The article deals with one of the main motives of American literature since its formation – the “wilderness” motif – in the works of the researcher, naturalist, true supporter of the transcendentalism philosophy H. Thoreau.
It should be noted that the “wilderness” motif originated in early American literature of the 17th century, but it underwent significant changes by the 19th century. The author points out that the study of this and other motives, mentioned in the article, in works of American Romanticism writers will help to understand deeper and particularize the concept of this ideological and artistic movement.
Special emphasis is put on the consideration of H. Thoreau’s views on the American Indians culture, since the “wilderness” motif is inextricably linked with the Indian theme.
The author concludes that H. Thoreau did not consider wilderness as a dangerous, hostile phenomenon for humans. On the contrary, the writer was convinced of the beneficial, healing power of nature. In his writings, he repeatedly said that untouched nature is indispensable for the formation, development and improvement of the personality, since it had a beneficial effect on intellectual, spiritual and physical health of a person.
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