UDC 004.421:005.922.52
Key words: autotype color synthesis, rose element, algorithm, affine transformations, software tool, generation.
For citation: Novoselskaya O. A., Savchuk N. A., Shcherbakova A. N., Romanenko D. M. Algorithms and Software for Generating Protective Images for Printed Documents. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2022, no. 1 (254), pp. 64–72 (In Russian).DOI:
The method of forming a protective image for its graphic arts reproduction and an algorithm for its automation is discussed in the article. The analysis of the problem of printed products protection is carried out. The analysis made it possible to determine that new protective images can be developed and thus reduce the cost of protecting the printed products from falsification, for example, when new protective images are introduced into corporate identity elements or letterhead products. In order to form a protective image, an experiment was carried out during which the basic protective elements in vector graphics program were developed and a protective image was formed on their basis, the main distinguishing feature of which from guilloche is the presence of a complex variable structure that forms a mixed color. To assess the degree of formation of protection on the basis of the GI “Publishing House ″Belarusian Press House″”, printing plates were made and various types of paper were sealed. Experimental samples showed that the frequency and line thickness are important for the protective image formation. Initially, elements were created on the basis of standard primitives. During the development process, it was determined that standard affine transformations, which can be incorporated into the image construction algorithm, are mainly used. Thus an algorithm for constructing a protective element was developed. After scanning the developed image, it was revealed that the boundary contours cease to be perceived as composite, and are reproduced in the form of a continuous gradient with a raster structure. In order to assess the degree of protection, a comparison of the images by information capacity was made. The possibility of introducing encoded information into the developed protective images is shown.
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