UDC 676.262.014
Key words: sizing agent, electrolyte, cationic polyelectrolyte, synthetic binder.
For citation: Chernaya N. V., Shashok Zh. S., Uss E. P., Karpova S. V., Misyurov O. A. Development of ways to increase the efficiency of application functional and process chemicals in the technology of glued and coated types of paper. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2022, no. 1 (253), pp. 11–19 (In Russian). DOI:
In the technology of glued types of paper, the efficiency of using functional (sizing agents) and process (electrolytes and cationic polyelectrolytes) substances increases by 1.5 times due to the shift of the gluing process from the traditional homocoagulation mode to a more efficient heteroadagulation mode and ensuring a consistent course of processes coagulation, peptization, sizing, hardening and flocculation. The developed method is based on the use of a sequence of sizing agent (1.00 parts by weight) – cationic polyelectrolyte (0.05–0.06 parts by weight) – electrolyte (0.08 parts by weight), while the existing technology uses a different sequence is used (sizing agent (1.00 parts by weight): electrolyte (3.00 parts by weight): cationic polyelectrolyte (0.16–0.26 parts by weight)). Practical use of the developed method improves the paper- and structure-forming properties of glued fibrous suspensions and improves the quality of the glue types of paper obtained from them, as evidenced by an increase in hydrophobicity by 1.4–1.5 times, strength by 1.3–2.0 times and moisture resistance 3.5–3.7 times. In the technology of coated types of paper, an increase in the efficiency of using functional (pigmenting and binders) and process (dispersants, antiseptics, defoamers, etc.) chemicals is provided by replacing “problem” natural binders in coating pastes (3 types – 4.7 parts by weight) for one new synthetic compound (modified ureaformaldehyde oligomer – 3.2 parts by weight). Additional nitrogen-containing groups enhance the adhesion interactions of the pigment particles with the hydrophobic surface of the paper. The consequence of this is an increase in the printability of coated paper by 3–9%.
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