UDC 678.046

  • Shashok Zhanna Stanislavovna – DSc (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor, the Department of Polymer Composite Materials. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: butyl reclaimed, elastomeric composition, Mooney viscosity, optimal vulcanization time, crosslinking density.

For citation: Shashok Zh. S. Influence of butyl regenerate additives on properties of elastomer compositions. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2022, no. 1 (253), pp. 5–10 (In Russian). DOI:


The influence of the conditions of thermomechanical treatment on the technological properties of elastomeric compositions from butyl reclaim was determined. The objects of the study were elastomeric compositions based on two types of butyl reclaim, which were obtained by the radiation method with radiation doses of 30 kGy (BR (30)) and 50 kGy (BR (50)) and underwent thermal mechanical treatment in a pin extruder. The processing conditions differed in the temperature in the extrusion head (70 and 80°C) and the screw speed (20 and 40 rpm). It was determined that the Mooney viscosity of rubber compounds based on BR (50) reclaim is 1.31–1.46 times lower than the viscosity of compositions based on BR reclaim (30). It was found that with an increase in the temperature and intensity of mechanical action, the Mooney viscosity increases to 16% for mixtures based on BR (30) and up to 6.7% for BR (50), which may be associated with an increase in the rate of the structuring process. in the volume of material under conditions of elevated processing temperatures. It was determined that with an increase in the processing temperature of butyl regenerate, the optimal vulcanization time of rubber compounds based on it decreases by 14.7–16.3% for compositions based on BR (30) and to 9.9% for BR (50). At the same time, rubbers based on BR (50) regenerate are characterized by a 1.46–1.61 times higher crosslinking index. The nature of the change in the parameters of the vulcanization of elastomeric compositions is due to the indefiniteness of the regenerate and its ability to interact with the components of the vulcanizing system to form the spatial structure of rubbers.


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