UDC 674.05:004.725.4
Key words: part, unit, equipment, enterprise, base, wood processing, unification.
For citation: Garanin V. N., Litvinovich D. V., Sadovsky M. V. Justification of the need using the parts and assemblies database for production of wood processing equipment. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Proceessing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 1 (252), pp. 217–225 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2022-252-1-217-225.
In the presented work, to the attention of the problem of the technological dependence of the Republic of Belarus in the wood processing industry on imported equipment, which ultimately does not allow to effectively accumulate capital through the use of wood is paid.
It is proposed to increase the efficiency of the woodworking process in the Republic of Belarus through deeper cooperation of woodworkers with machine-building enterprises due to the creation of a common electronic database of equipment’s parts and assemblies (on the principle of an online store), with access to it by various design bureaus. Having the opportunity to use ready-made parts of the product on the principle of the construct, designers will have more opportunities to create non-standard products in small volumes, which is especially important for a country that has modern engineering technologies, but a small market for products. In this case, the overall contribution of the wood processing industry to the formation of the gross national product of the wood production area will increase due to the involvement of other industries. First of all, this will help to reduce the cost of resources for the purchase of imported equipment, increase the productivity of manufacturers of parts and assemblies of the Republic of Belarus, and also serve as a good basis for the development of high-tech technologies in the field of mechanization and automation of various technological processes. This direction also will contribute to the development of the digital economy of the Republic of Belarus.
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