UDC 674.048
Key words: paint and varnish materials, bio-damaged, mold fungi, biostability, hydrophobicity.
For citation: Kopylova T. I., Guzii S. G., Bazhelka I. K., Kanavalava A. A. Sabadakha E. N. Evaluation of the resistance of water-dispersion paints in relation to mold fungi of the genus Aspergillus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 1 (252), pp. 208–216 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2022-252-1-208-216.
The paper presents the results of tests to assess the resistance of water-dispersion paints “Politsvet” VD-AKD white, “Politsvet” VD AK-11D orange, “Politsvet” VD AK-11D green and varnish VD AK-11L in relation to mold fungi of the genus Aspergillus. The test procedure consisted of: sampling of the tested paints and varnish; preparation of nutrient media; preparation of a suspension of Aspergillus spores; fixation of changes and assessment of the degree of damage to the tested paints and varnish by the Aspergillus fungus. Fixation of the level of damage to paint and varnish materials by the fungus Aspergillus was performed on the 7th, 14th and 21st days of testing. The general picture of damage to water-dispersion (acrylic) bases is identical to the organosilicon base. On the 7th day from the start of the tests for water-dispersion bases, there was no level of growth retardation of the mycelium of the fungus Aspergillus. The same tendency to defeat is characteristic for both 14 and 21 days from the start of the tests. Tests of paints and varnishes on a water-dispersion basis have shown that with an increase in the exposure time, the level of their mycelium of the fungus Aspergillus increases in Saburo and Chapek environments, and there is no level of containment by any of the tested types of paints and varnishes.
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