UDC 630*377.2
Key words: analysis, productivity, operating cost, damaged forest area.
For citation: Shoshyn A. O. Comparison of the efficiency of cable yarding system MTK-431 and the skidder TTR-401 in the development of waterlogged forest areas. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no 2 (252), pp. 165–173 (In Russian). DOI:
The comparison was carried out when performing final felling for a cutting area of 200·200 m. The average composition was taken as 7Олч1С1Б1Ос, the average density of freshly cut wood was ρ = 800 kg/m3 , the average annual volume of the hard-to-reach forest fund in the Republic of Belarus was 1.3 million m3 , the width of the apiary trail and skidding corridor was 5 m. The result of the comparison showed that the use of the yarder MTK-431 is effective in terms of a set of indicators: specific capital investments and the area of the cutting area damaged by yarding wood.
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