UDC 630*31(043.3)
Key words: timber transportation, log truck, route of transportation, graph of states.
For citation: Korolenia R. O. Modeling of lumber trucks when transporting timber: state graph. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 1 (252), pp. 129–135 (In Russian). DOI:
The main volumes of harvested timber in the Republic of Belarus are currently transported using specialized timber transport vehicles – log trucks. To obtain the possibility of high-quality modeling of the operation of log trucks, logging production is presented in the form of a system: harvesting – processing – transportation. Moreover, it is noted that modeling the states and behavior of the “transportation” subsystem is one of the primary tasks in the formation of a full-fledged structure of logistics management at the enterprises of the forestry complex. It is indicated that for the effective implementation of this task, an adequate formalization of this subsystem is necessary, based on a structured description of the behavior of incoming objects and their states in time. Based on the analysis of the existing practice of organizing the transport process at the enterprises of the forestry complex, a description of the applied transport and technological schemes for the operation of short log trucks is given. For a more complete description of the possible states of work, the main possible options for organizing transporttation routes are systematized into three groups. Summarizing the results of the analysis of possible forms and methods of organizing the work of timber trucks, a graph of their states has been developed. The obtained description allows one to fully take into account the possible states of the timber trucks during their operation and the daily (shift) cycle, which makes it possible to more fully design the process of transporting harvested timber.
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