UDC 630*363.7

  • Vavilov Anton Vladimirovich – DSc (Ingineering), Professor, Professor, the Department of Forest Machines, Roads and Technologies of Timber Industry. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: ftkcdm@bntu.by

Key words: wood waste, wood chips, briquettes, pellets, mini-CHP, gas generators, boiler houses.

For citation: Vavilov A. V. On the use of wood waste in the energy sector of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 1 (252), pp. 93–104 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2022-252-1-93-104.


Many scientific works have been devoted to the use of wood waste in the energy sector, but most of them cover only logging waste, sawmilling and woodworking waste. There are not enough literary sources that disclose the issues of using wood waste from the entire construction complex, including solid municipal cellulose-containing waste. Insufficient attention has been paid to the preparation of fuel from wood waste, its supply to special power plants and combustion there.

This paper proposes technical and technological solutions for the procurement and further use of various types of wood waste, ways to improve power plants for generating energy from wood waste. At the same time, special attention is paid to the preparation and supply for burning wood chips from bush vegetation; the role of the pyrolysis process in the incineration of building complex waste, wood-based materials and boards; production and use of refined fuels from wood waste.

The article traces the path of development of small-scale power generation in Belarus using wood waste – from the use of firewood and wood chips to obtaining briquettes and pellets, obtaining energy from them at the facilities of Belarus.


  1. Vavilov A. V. TKO tsellyulozobitumosoderzhashchiye i mineral'nogo proiskhozhdeniya: polucheniye vtorichnykh produktov: monografiya [MSW cellulose-bitumen-containing and mineral origin: obtaining secondary products: monograph]. Minsk, Zhilkomizdat Publ., 2018. 160 p. (In Russian).
  2. Vavilov A. V. Pellety v Belarusi: proizvodstvo i polucheniye energii: monografiya [Pellets in Belarus: production and energy production: monograph]. Minsk, Strinko Publ., 2012. 161 p. (In Russian).
  3. Vavilov A. V., Zhikhar G. I., Padalko L. P., Arsenov V. V., Garost M. M. Malaya energetika na biotoplive: monografiya [Small-scale power engineering based on biofuel: monograph]. Minsk, Tekhnoprint Publ., 2002. 247 p. (In Russian).
  4. Vavilov A. V. Resursosberegayushchiye tekhnicheskiye sredstva dlya toplivoobespecheniya energeticheskikh ustanovok na biomasse: monografiya [Resource-saving technical means for fuel supply of biomass power plants: monograph]. Minsk, Strinko Publ., 2006. 187 p. (In Russian).
  5. Vavilov A. V. Toplivo iz netraditsionnykh energoresursov: monografiya [Fuel from non-traditional energy resources: monograph]. Minsk, StroyMediaProyekt Publ., 2014. 89 p. (In Russian).
  6. Vavilov A. V. Brikety iz vozobnovlyayemykh bioenergoistochnikov: monografiya [Briquettes from renewable bioenergy sources: monograph]. Minsk, Strinko Publ., 2013. 77 p. (In Russian).
  7. Vavilov A. V. Energy sources from logging areas. Lesnoye i okhotnich'ye khozyaystvo [Forest and hunting economy], 2000, no. 1, p. 19 (In Russian).
  8. Vavilov A. V. Technological aspects and equipment for obtaining energy from bio-fuel. Vestnik BNTU [Bulletin of BNTU], 2004, no. 1, pp. 68–73 (In Russian).
  9. Vavilov A. V. An effective mechanism of fuel supply for biomass power plants is needed. Energoeffektivnost' [Energy efficiency], 2005, no. 3, p. 7 (In Russian).
  10. Vavilov A. V. Production of fuel chips at the facilities of Minskzelenstroy. Gorodskoye khozyaystvo [Municipal economy], 2008, no. 6, pp. 15–16 (In Russian).
  11. Vavilov A. V., Pashkovsky M. N., Sokolovsky Yu. V. Modern technology and equipment for the production of fuel chips. Lesopromyshlennik [Timber], 2008, no. 8, pp. 22–23 (In Russian).
  12. Vavilov A. V., Pashkovsky M. N., Sokolovsky Yu. V. Development of cutting areas and other forested areas with efficient preparation of fuel chips from generated wood waste. Trudy BGTU [Proceedings of BSTU], series II, Forestry and Woodworking Industry, 2008, issue XVI, pp. 139–145 (In Russian).
  13. Vavilov A. V. Technology of production of fuel chips and systems of machines for their implementation. Stroitel'nyye i dorozhnyye mashiny [Construction and road machines], 2008, no. 9, pp. 20–23 (In Russian).
  14. Vavilov A. V. Once again about the efficiency of using local wood fuel. Energoeffektivnost' [Energy efficiency], 2008, no. 4, pp. 17–18 (In Russian).
  15. Vavilov A. V. Additional reserves of fuel wood and ways of their use in Belarus. Energoeffektivnost' [Energy efficiency], 2009, no. 5, pp. 12–13 (In Russian).
  16. Vavilov A. V., Pashkovsky M. N., Sokolovsky Yu. V. The choice of efficient machines for the preparation of wood chips at the facilities of ‘‘Minskze-Lenstroy’’. Gorodskoye khozyaystvo [Municipal Economy], 2009, no. 2, pp. 19–20 (In Russian).
  17. Vavilov A. V. Factors Determining the Efficiency of Production and Use of a Specific Type of Wood Fuel in Belarus. Energoeffektivnost’ [Energy Efficiency], 2010, no. 5, pp. 8–9 (In Russian).