UDC 355.01
Key words: state, national security, military sphere of national security, balance of power, society, military violence, military activity.
For citation: JKsenofontov V. A. The military sphere of national security as a condition for the social well-being of the state. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 2 (251), pp. 85–89 (In Russian). DOI:
Military violence remains a tool used in conflicts of various dimensions. Objectively, it is not the force of law that acts, but the right of force. The military sphere of national security, which ensures the peaceful development of the state, needs theoretical and practical development. The philosophical understanding of the balance of power in the context of international relations is considered. Protection from military violence is a necessity that requires constant and rational development of the military security subsystem, which is an element of the whole (national security or national defense). Various approaches to the justification of the military component of the national security of the state are revealed. The dialectical connection of the military subsystem of national security with all components of society is emphasized. The implementation of the tasks of this sphere is carried out through military activities. It is concluded that the state of the military sphere of national security plays an important role in the successful development of the individual, society and the state. It acts as a system-forming component in the national security system, providing a “product” – military security. The ideology of ensuring the military security of the Belarusian state is contained in the Military Doctrine of the Republic of Belarus.
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