UDC 630*5:612
Key words: sustainable development, forest use, forest management, forest cover of the territory, carbon deposition, ecologization of forest management.
For citation: Lapitskaya O. V. Features of forest use of the Republic of Belarus in the system of sustainable development. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 2 (250), pp. 69–75 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6877-2021-250-2-69-75.
It is shown that the system of forestry management in Belarus has been developing since the 15th century. In the Middle Ages, the main resources of the forest were considered products obtained from hunting and bee-keeping. It is noted that organized forestry in Belarus appeared later than in Western Europe, but earlier than in Russia. Wood as the main resource of the forest began to dominate since the end of the 18th century. The felling of timber led to a decrease in the forest cover of the territory of Belarus to 33% in 1913, and to 22% in 1918. The work provides reliable data on changes in forest cover and volumes of timber harvesting from the middle of the 19th century to the present. For the previous time, similar indicators were obtained by calculation. The system of forestry management for the last 200 years is described. It was noted that in Belarus there is a central forestry management body. It is shown that forestry management has evolved towards forest use and wood processing. The article outlines modern approaches to sustainable development of forestry. The role of forests in preserving the ecological functions of the forest is described. The importance of carbon dioxide deposition is underlined. It was noted that Belarus is a source of carbon sequestration in the amount of 24 million tons. In the future, it is proposed to switch to financing forestry on a rent basis, calculating forest rent from the value of the final forest production, taking into account the necessary redistributions with standard profitability.
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