UDC 332.02

  • Karpenko Valeriy Mikhaylovich – PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Belarusian State University (4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220010, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

  • Lin Kun – PhD student, the Department of International Management. Belarusian State University (4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220010, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: E-mail:

Key words: regional economy, factor endowment, regional economic development, national happiness index, balanced growth, spatial development, regional policy.

For citation: Karpenko V. M., Lin Kun. Economic development of the region: theoretical aspect. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 2 (250), pp. 58–68 (In Russian). DOI:


The article presents a review of existing theories of regional economic development. It systematizes the various methodological approaches, and performs their comparative characteristics. For each approach and methodological direction, their advantages and disadvantages are identified. The authors justify the necessity of forming a unified methodological approach to managing the economic development of the region. The authors studied various indicators, with the help of which the assessment of the quality of regional management can be made. A comparative assessment of these indicators for the possibility of their use in the practical work of regional governments was carried out. All assessments are made from the perspective of the possibility of applying the results of the study in the management of the provinces of the Peopleʼs Republic of China. The results of the research can be used in regional management to eliminate disparities in the development of regions.


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