UDC 334.78:001.895
Key words: network structures, networking, innovative development, ranking, dynamic standard, indicators of innovative development.
For citation: Ryabokon’ A. I. Management of innovation activity in the conditions of network interaction of business entities. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 2 (250), pp. 37–42 (In Russian). DOI:
The article considers approaches to determining the essence of network structures and issues of evaluating the effectiveness of innovative activities within the framework of network interaction of organizations.
At the moment there is no generally accepted approach to the definition of the category “network structure” in science. The author’s definition of the concept “network structure” is proposed in the article. In addition, as one of the tools for managing the innovative activities of network structures, a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of innovative activities in the conditions of network interaction of organizations, taking into account modern tasks of innovative development of the Belarusian economy, based on the method of the dynamic standard, is proposed. To assess the innovative development of network structures, a reference dynamic series has been developed, which is a normative model of the innovation activity regime within the framework of the network interaction of organizations. The stages are defined, an evaluation algorithm is proposed and the content of the methodology is revealed, recommendations for interpreting the conclusions are given.
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