UDC 615.1:001.895
Key words: management, innovation, pharmaceutical company, efficiency, methodology, evaluation, medicinal product.
For citation: Dudan M. A. Problems of evaluating the competitiveness of innovative projects in the pharmaceutical industry. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 2 (250), pp. 112–120 (In Russian). DOI:
Features and trends in the development of modern pharmaceutical production in the Republic of Belarus are considered in the article. The characteristics of its main participants are given, the role and place of the state in the management of the industry are indicated. In modern conditions, the problem of maintaining the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers is of particular importance, which presupposes a constant renewal of the range of innovative medicines.
The choice of priority projects for the development of medicines requires, along with economic efficiency, to take into account their social significance. In this connection, the article substantiates the importance of taking into account social efficiency, indicates what indicators and aspects it includes.
The foreign and domestic practice of selection of priority projects for the development of medicines is investigated. A methodology for assessing the socio-economic significance of innovative projects is proposed, taking into account modern global trends and features of pharmaceutical production in the Republic of Belarus. The proposed methodology includes 20 indicators, combined into 4 groups, which have a certain significance. It takes into account the peculiarities of the functioning of pharmaceutical enterprises, covers technical, economic and financial parameters and reflects the compliance of the project results with social criteria.
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