UDC 338.24
Key words: corporate structure, corporate interaction, holding, management in holding companies, efficiency.
For citation: Malakhovich M. V. Specific management in holding companies and the priorities of its improvement. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 2 (250), pp. 102–111 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6877-2021-250-2-102-111.
In the modern world, holdings are one of the most effective and promising forms of organizing corporate interaction between business entities. They have become widespread in the practice of functioning of various sectors of the economy of many countries, having established themselves as highly organized corporate systems capable of making a significant contribution to ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy and strengthening the country’s position in the world market. It is the holdings that occupy leading positions in the ratings of the largest representatives of individual industries and sub-complexes, being examples of successful business. In this regard, the need for a deeper study of theoretical and methodological aspects and practical experience of their functioning in order to identify priority areas for further improving their activities becomes especially urgent. One of these aspects is the specificity of the organization in management holdings, which serves as the basis for their effective development.
The article is devoted to the study of the management organization practice in holding companies. The experience of the functioning of holdings, confirming their high efficiency and ability to ensure continuous growth of the main indicators of production and economic activity, is considered, the advantages of further development of this form of corporate interaction of business entities are identified. The specificity of the organization of management in holding companies and its role in ensuring the effective functioning of corporate formations have been studied. The priority directions of improving management in holdings are identified, taking into account the peculiarities of their organizational and legal structure and development.
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