UDC 334.025:678
Key words: plastic waste, sources of education, recycling technologies, secondary material resources, environmental pollution, utilization, efficiency.
For citation: Pshebelskaya L. Yu., Lednitskiy A. V. Effective directions of plastic waste recycling. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 2 (250), pp. 89–94 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6877-2021-250-2-89-94.
The plastic masses are widely used in the fields of production and consumption in the modern world. The consumption of the plastic has increased by 20 times since the invention of modern polymers. This consumption is going to double in the next 20 years, according to the forecasts. About 6% of world oil consumption is used for the production of various types of plastics. More than 90% of plastics are produced from the primary fossil fuel. At the same time, the service life of any product at some point ends, and it has to be used a second time, neutralized or buried.
The waste management is currently aimed at the reducing of the amount of waste and ensuring that the waste will be processed in ways that do not lead to the environmental degradation. Minimization of waste generation saves the funds for waste management activities, as well as leads to the increased productivity and reduced specific use of resources. The life cycle of plastic significantly exceeds its service time. That is why the issue of developing the new methods of recycling is of current interest today.
The sources of plastic waste generation are considered, the domestic and foreign experience of technology development in this area (burial, incineration, pyrolysis, solvolysis, granulation, agglomeration, extrusion, separate garbage collection, composting) is analyzed. The factors that restrain the reduction of waste generation have been identified. The recommendations to increase the involvement of generated plastic waste into the economic turnover have been proposed.
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