UDC 811.161’42 : 070(045)
Key words: value, media discourse, labour discourse, solidarity, patriotism, fame.
For citation: Biyumena A. A. Value dominants of the soviet labor mediadiscourse. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 2 (244), pp. 32–37 (In Russian). DOI:
The article describes the results of the study of the value picture of the Soviet labour media discourse on the material of newspaper articles devoted to labor activity. These materials were an obligatory component of the content of newspapers throughout the entire Soviet period and were characterized by stable structural, content and linguistic features. Labour was presented in the Soviet press as a complex multidimensional axiological field that unites and combines various value meanings. Labour was presented as the most important value of Soviet society, seen as a virtue to which all citizens of the country should strive. At the same time, the voluntary nature of the activities performed, the inspiration and enthusiasm of the performers, the desire to exceed the norms and plans were emphasized. It was revealed that labour in the USSR was considered a necessary part of citizens’ life that realized such values of personal self-realization as creativity, self-expression, selfsacrifice, glory and success. Also, labour traditions were seen in the Soviet press as a factor in strengthening the patriotism of people, the importance of labour activity for the development and strengthening of society was emphasized. Newspaper publications drew upon the ideas of solidarity, cooperation and the possibility of achieving the highest results in the process of collective work. It has been established that labour discourse in the Soviet period performed mainly solidarizing and mobilizing functions.
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