UDC 02(051.2)(476)

  • Babaryka-Amel’chanka Veranika Barysauna – Head of the Department of Research, Scientific and Methodological Activity. I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (86/2, Kazintsa str., 220108, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: Belarusian editions, professional periodicals, library journals, publishing policy, publishing activities, open access.

For citation: Babaryka-Amel’chanka V. B. Belarusian professional periodical editions of library and information topics. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 2 (244), pp. 18–25 (In Russian). DOI:


The article is devoted to a review of periodicals on library and information topics published in Belarus, as well as an analysis of its current state in the context of general publication activity of authors of the Belarusian library community and modern approaches to providing access to information.

Belarusian professional library periodicals are considered from the standpoint of the reader and the author. In accordance with the proposed systematization by the character of published materials, an overview and a brief description of republican and regional information-production and scientific periodicals and continuing publications is presented.

Based on the quantitative data of the Russian Science Citation Index, in the article is noted that for scientific and scientific-practical publications, authors of the Belarusian library community actively use not only national sources. An opinion about positive effect of having another scientific journal in order to facilitate the disclosure of the potential of national library sciences and science in the libraries is expressed; creation of such journal is announced.

Along with the positive development of Belarusian library periodicals, problems of their visibility and accessibility in the online information space are noted (republican library print media do not have electronic online versions; there is no focal point of online access to electronic versions of professional periodicals; scientific periodicals are not sufficiently involved in the online system of global scientific communication).


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