UDC 81’374.822

  • Ivanov Evgeniy Evgen’yevich – PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University (1, Kosmonavtov str., 212022, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

  • Marc Ruiz-Zorrilla Cruzate – DSc (Philology), Professor, Faculty of Philology and Communication. University of Barcelona (585, Via de les Corts Catalanes, 08007, Barcelona, Spain). Е-mail:

Key words: paremiology, proverbs, interlingual comparison, Belarusian, Spanish, bilingual comparative dictionary, zones of proverbs lexicographic description.

For citation: Ivanov E. E., Ruiz-Zorrilla Cruzate M. Principles and structure of Spanish-Belarusian paremiological dictionary. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2021, no. 2 (244), pp. 104–111 (In Russian). DOI:


One of the problems of modern Slavic studies is the comparative description of phraseology and paremiology of Slavic and non-Slavic languages and the creation of Slavic – non-Slavic phraseological and paremiological dictionaries. In this regard, the development of the principles and structure of the Belarusian Spanish paremiological dictionary is relevant. The article presents the principles of differentiation of nationally specific and common with other languages (international, universal) units of the paremiological fund of the language. It is proposed to identify and differentiate the interlanguage specificity / commonality of proverbs in a synchronic aspect by comparing the structural and semantic proverbs models of different languages projected on the languages of related groups, areal contacts and typological communities. The types of interlingual similarities / differences of paremiological units that have analogues in other languages are determined and differentiated on the basis of complete / partial coincidence of the proverb lexical and grammatical structure. Those interlanguage types of similarities / differences of paremiological units are highlighted, which are the most significant for the lexicographic description. The principles and structure of the dictionary representation of Belarusian and Spanish proverbs in a bilingual comparative paremiological dictionary are determined. Examples of separate zones of a dictionary entry in the Spanish-Belarusian dictionary of proverbs are given.


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