UDC 537.633.2

  • Mad’yarov Vladimir Rafkatovich – PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Physics. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: millimeter waves, magnetoplasma reflection, carrier concentration, transmission coefficient.

For citation: Mad’yarov V. R. The effect of magnetoplasma phenomena on the submillimeter waves passage through semiconductors. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2021, no 2 (248), pp. 53–57 (In Russian). DOI:


One of the ways to effectively control the transmission of a semiconductor in the frequency range of 50–300 GHz is to create a sufficiently large concentration of carriers in the volume of a semiconductor placed in a magnetic field using ionizing radiation. In this range some resonant frequencies exist at which the dielectric permittivity of the sample and the transmittance have extreme values. Magnetic plasma resonance can be achieved by changing the magnetic field or the intensity of external ionizing radiation. In this paper, the influence of the magnetic field and the intensity of the photoexcitation of a semiconductor (n-Si) on the transmittance of submillimeter waves is investigated. The dependences of the transmittance of submillimeter radiation on the photoexcitation flux density and magnetic field induction are obtained and analyzed. The observed attenuation of submillimeter radiation is explained by an increase in the density of the semiconductor plasma. It was found that the transmission coefficient of the thin layer has a minimum due to the coincidence of the frequency of the probing radiation with the frequency of the magnetoplasma resonance in the 75–200 GHz range. The effective attenuation of radiation was provided by varying transverse magnetic induction in the range of 0.4–0.6 T and the intensity of illumination. The results obtained can be used for developing semiconductor devices that control submillimeter wave energy flux by a magnetic field in combination with photoexcitation.


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