UDC 681.53
Key words: nonlinear dynamics, regulator tuning, transient process.
For citation: Hryniuk D. A., Oliferovich N. M., Suhorukova I. G., Orobei I. O. Modeling and tuning control objects with nonlinear dynamics. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2021, no. 2 (248), pp. 65–71 (In Russian). DOI:
The article deals with the problems of analysis of nonlinear control objects. A class of objects, which in the range of possible regulation have a known dependence of the dynamics on the output parameter, is studied. Examples of such objects are given and a structure for their modeling is proposed.
The carried out simulation modeling of a second-order control object with a linear dependence of the time constant on the output parameter demonstrated the asymmetry of the obtained transfer functions along the control channel and a high dependence on the range of the study. At the same time, with an increase in one direction, the presence of a dominant time constant is observed, while in the opposite direction, the minimization of the root-mean-square deviation leads to second-order transfer functions with equal values of the time constant. And even so, the value of the standard deviation of the approximation has a worse value than in the first case.
For the investigated example, the control loop was tuned from the previously obtained transfer functions of the object. To adjust different options, the same integral criterion was used on the proposed nonlinear structure. Transient analysis showed different quality when changing the direction of the task signal. From this, it is concluded that it is rational to have a set of control settings, and change the parameters when changing the direction of exposure. In the extended version, you can change the settings not only when changing the sign, but also the coordinates, as is already used in the table management of industrial systems.
The developed version of the analysis is an intermediate version between the linearization of nonlinear control objects and the use of solving partial differential equations.
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