UDC 665.948:661.862’027.73

  • Sosnovskaya Aleksandra Andreyevna – assistant lecture, the Department of Chemical Processing of Wood. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus).E-mail: a.sosnovskaya94@gmail.com

  • Fleisher Vyacheslav Leonidivich – PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Chemical Processing of Wood. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: v_fleisher@list.ru

Key words: α-pinene, oxidation, verbenol, verbenone, 2,3-epoxypinan, hydrogen peroxide, Fentonʼs reagent, cobalt (II) stearate.

For citation: Shas Sosnovskaya A. A., Fleisher V. L. Obtaining terpene oxygen-containing compounds by liquid-phase oxidation of α-pinene with atmospheric oxygen catalyzed by the Сo2+ – Н2О2 system. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 2 (247), pp. 60–66 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-60-66.


This article presents the results on the application of the Co2+ – H2O2 catalytic system in the process of the liquid-phase oxidation of α-pinene with atmospheric oxygen. Cobalt (II) stearate was used as a catalyst air oxygen was used as an oxidizing agent, aqueous solutions of H2O2 with a concentration of 14, 18, 22, 35% were used as a co-oxidant and acetonitrile was used as a co-solvent. Conditions for the oxidation process: the amount of catalyst (fixed) – 0.4 wt. %, co-oxidant – 0.18, 0.70, 1.30 and 1.90 wt. % of the original α-pinene, co-solvent – 0.18 wt. %, air oxygen consumption – 10.0–13.3 cm3 /s; process temperature – from 60 to 100°С, duration – from 5 to 24 hours. It was found that the maximum content of terpene oxygen-containing compounds (TOC) (28.36 wt.%) was observed when using an 18% co-oxidant solution, the minimum (10.19 wt.%) – when using a 35% solution. The use of a co-solvent in the Co2+ – H2O2 catalytic system (18% solution) led to a 1.6 times decrease in TOC and when using the system Co2+ – H2O2 (35% solution) the content increased 2.6 times. With an increase in the temperature of the oxidation process using the catalytic system Co2+ – H2O2 (18% solution), the TOC content decreased by almost 5.0 wt. %. As a result, it is more expedient to oxidize α-pinene with atmospheric oxygen at a temperature of 70°C, an aqueous solution concentration and an amount of co-oxidant of 18% and 0.7 wt. % (from the initial α-pinene), respectively.


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