UDC 678.046:547.565.2
Key words: elastomeric composition, stabilizing additive, pyrocatechin derivatives, 6PPD, strength, tear, heat resistance, dynamic endurance.
For citation: Uss E. P., Shashok Zh. S., Prokopchuk N. R., Krotova O. A., Shadyro O. I., Ksendzova G. A. Technical properties of rubbers with new phenolic stabilizers. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 2 (247), pp. 19−24 (In Russian). DOI:
The possibility of combined use of modified sterically hindered 1,2-dihydroxybenzenes and industrial antioxidant of amine type (6PPD) in the formulations of filled elastomeric compositions based on combination of unsaturated natural and synthetic polybutadiene rubbers has been investigated. The effect of combinations of phenolic and amine antioxidants on the elastic-strength properties of rubbers, the resistance of vulcanizates to high temperatures, and also on the fatigue endurance of specimens under repeated tension has been established. Modified stabilizers differ in the type, number, and spatial arrangement of substituents in the benzene ring. These ingredients were introduced into rubber mixtures in dosage of 2.0 phr. Elastomeric compositions containing combination of industrial stabilizers phenolic 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (ionol) and amine N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (6PPD) types in dosage of 2.0 phr. It was determined that replacing the industrial stabilizer of ionol with modified derivatives of 1,2-dihydroxybenzenes makes it possible to obtain rubbers that are not inferior or superior in physical and mechanical characteristics to vulcanizates with combination of industrial stabilizers. It was found that the use of stabilizer with an azepanyl cycle in rubber mixtures together with 6PPD provides the most significant improvement in the elastic-strength properties of rubbers both before and after heat aging, and also makes it possible to obtain vulcanizates with the highest fatigue endurance.
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