UDC 620,667.6
Key words: polymer coatings, prediction of durability, coating capacity, capacitance-frequency coefficient, adhesion, underfilm corrosion.
For citation: : Potapchik A. N., Egorova A. L. Development of a method for predicting the durability of anticorrosive paint coatings. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 2 (247), pp. 175–186 (In Russian). DOI:
The aim of this work is to develop a method for calculating the durability of anticorrosive paint coatings operated under the influence of electrolytes at normal and elevated temperatures.
The regularities of the change in the nature of the frequency dependence of the capacitance under the influence of electrolytes are studied and it is shown that the increase in capacitance occurs first in at low AC frequencies, and then, under the effect of electrolytes, changes can be revealed at higher AC frequencies. It was experimentally confirmed that at AC frequencies more than 2 000 000 Hz, the capacitance values of a significantly damaged coating are practically indistinguishable from the capacitance values of an intact coating.
A calculation method of the capacitance-frequency coefficient is proposed. It is shown that the graphical dependence of the capacitance-frequency coefficient on the exposure time has three stages: an initial decrease or slowed growth, active growth and stabilization. It was experimentally confirmed that under the coating at the end of the second stage occurs active corrosion process. The values of the capacitancefrequency coefficient at this time depend on the chemical nature of the coating and the peculiarities of its adhesive interaction with the metal substrate and can be used as failure criteria for calculating the durability.
The type of dependence, which determines the relationship between the value of the capacitivefrequency coefficient and the time of exposure to an aggressive environment is established. The algorithm for calculating the durability of coatings is proposed. An example of calculating the durability of a polyester coating in a saturated aqueous solution of NaCl and KCl at a temperature of 107°С is given.
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