UDC 666.762.18:621.744.3
Key words: aluminоsilicate binder, alkaline solution, liquid glass, hardener, mold, thermal shock.
For citation: Shalukho N. M., Lukash E. V., Koridorova A. S. Preparation and research properties of aluminosilicate binders for easy-to-break casting molds. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 2 (247), pp. 153–158 (In Russian). DOI:
The problem of knockability of metal castings from molding mixtures is considered and the analysis of the technical characteristics of binders currently used in casting technology is given. The development of a binding composition, the use of which would make it possible to obtain molds with the required initial strength at the time of pouring the molten metal and the destruction of the material at the time of cooling of the metal in the mold, is an urgent task. One of the directions of regulating the operational properties of molding mixtures on liquid-glass binders is their modification by various chemical agents, in particular, the production of an aluminosilicate binder. The aim of the study was to obtain an aluminо-silicate binder that can be used as a part of molding mixes for casting molds. The optimal quantitative ratios of the components in the aluminosilicate binder (the content of the aluminate solution is 30–40 wt. %) and its main binding properties (the density of the binder is 1.47–1.51 g/cm3 , the specific strength of the mixture after curing is 0.22–0.38). It is suggested that the aluminosilicate bond creates in the region of 950–1,200°C thermal stresses due to the inconsistency of the thermal coefficients of the linear expansion of the neoplasms with the matrix, leading to self-destruction of the composite material, thereby reducing labor costs and facilitating the knocking out of metal castings.
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