UDC 634.0.86

  • Boltovskiy Valeriy Stanislavovich – DSc (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor, the Department of Chemical Processing of Wood. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: plant biomass, acid hydrolysis, hydrolysate, feed yeast, process improvement.

For citation: Boltovsky V. S. Directions for improving production processes of feed yeast by processing of hydrolysates, obtained by acid hydrolysis of vegetable raw materials. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 2 (247), pp. 13−18 (In Russian). DOI:


This article analyzes the traditional technology of production of feed yeast from hydrolysates of plant raw materials and provides recommendations for improving the processes of liquid-phase acid hydrolysis of plant biomass, preparation of hydrolysate for biochemical processing and production of feed yeast, taking into account modern achievements of science, technology and technology, which provide the possibility of reducing energy consumption, increasing the yield of target products and reducing the environmental burden.

Improving the methods of hydrolysis of plant raw materials and obtaining feed yeast by subsequent processing of hydrolyzates is possible by changing the kinetic parameters of the process, methods of energy supply, technological modes and the design of the equipment used.

The most promising areas for improving the processes of implementing the main technological operations of hydrolysis of plant raw materials, preparation of hydrolysate for biochemical processing, fermentation, concentration of yeast suspension and drying of yeast can be the following: hightemperature hydrolysis of lignocellulose raw materials in continuous-action apparatuses, the use of modern designs of flotators, separators, fermenters and other equipment.

The cardinal solution to reduce energy consumption and increase the environmental safety of the production of protein-containing feed additives is a combination of acid hydrolysis of hemicelluloses and enzymatic hydrolysis of cellolignin or its direct bioconversion by microorganisms, which will eliminate the most energy-intensive technological processes from the technological process and the formation of large – capacity waste-hydrolysis of lignin.


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