UDC 676.085.4

  • Klyuev Andrey Yur’evitch – DSc (Engineering), Professor, the Department of Woodworking Technology. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: terpenоmalein resins, epoxy resins, thermosetting compositions, chemical modification.

For citation: Klyuev A. Yu. Research of the properties of thermocuring compositions based on epoxy and terpenomaleine resins. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 2 (247), pp. 80–85 (In Russian).DOI:


In the electrical industry, for the protection of electrical copper products: coatings of copper wires, assembly wires (enamel wires), printed circuit boards, electrical contacts, as well as in potting compounds (in transformers), etc. imported expensive thermosetting polyester, polyamide and polyimide compositions are used. In the Republic of Belarus, the main consumers of such varnishes are OJSC “Gomelkabel” (Gomel), OJSC “Torgmash” and CJSC “Atlant” – BSZ (Baranovichi), OJSC “V. I. Kozlov Minsk Electrotechnical Plant” (Minsk), in the Russian Federation – OJSC “Zavod Mikroprovod” and OJSC “NP Podolskkabel” (Podolsk), OJSC “Volmag” (Rybinsk), OJSC “Volgakabel” (Samara). Due to the fact that electrical insulating varnishes are not produced in Belarus, research devoted to the development of new thermosetting varnishes with improved performance properties and the organization of their production are relevant.

The curing temperatures of varnishes allow them to be used in the formulations of epoxy resins (ES), and terpene-maleic resins (TMS), which have functional groups: carboxyl, anhydride or hydroxyl, are used as a hardener. Thermosetting compositions (TC) form varnish coatings at lower temperatures than for imported analogs (120–300°С).

Earlier studies on the preparation of thermosetting compositions (TC) based on ES and TMS resins showed that they formed varnishes that had low mechanical strength, dielectric strength and resistance to thermal oxidative degradation, which significantly reduced their field of application in electrical engineering industry.

Therefore, research devoted to improving the performance properties of electrical insulating varnishes by developing technologies for highly efficient TMS resins and thermosetting compositions based on them is relevant. The developed TC are export-oriented.

Тhese studies have shown the feasibility of using oxygen- and metal-containing compounds as a chemical modifier, which improve the physicochemical properties of the resulting varnish coatings.


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