UDC 666.3.017
Key words: corundum, mineralizing additive, phase composition, structure, mechanical strength.
For citation: Popov R. Yu., Pantsialeyenka F. I., Shymanskaya H. M., Dyatlova E. M., Podbolotov K. B. Effect of mineralizing additives on the synthesis of corundum ceramics. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 2 (247), pp. 72–79 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-247-2-72-79.
The article presents the results of study of the various mineralizing additives effect on the sintering and phase formation of corundum ceramics. Periclase, titanium and zirconium dioxides, manganese (IV) oxide, dolomite, chalk have been used as mineralizing additives. In addition, a reinforcing component was additionally introduced into the experimental masses – waste of kaolin or carbon fibers. The complex effect of a combination of additives on the properties of corundum ceramics, its structure and phase composition has been studied. It has been established that the introduction of up to 2.5 wt. % MnO2 into ceramic masses, in the presence of an additive of 2.5 wt. % TiO2, promotes an increase in apparent density by 13–15%, bending strength by 18–20% and a decrease in water absorption to 0.9–1.0%, open porosity 1.5–2.0% compared to ceramics containing only one mineralizing additive of titanium dioxide. Additional introduction of the reinforcing component up to 2.5 wt. % (fiber) into the compositions of the experimental masses leads to an increase in the strength characteristics by another 10–12%. The structure and phase composition of the obtained ceramic material have been investigated.
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