UDC 634.0.86
Key words: plant biomass, autohydrolysis, decompression (explosion), hemicelluloses, monosaccharides, cellulose, lignin.
For citation: Boltovskiy V. S. Application of the autohydrolysis-explosion method in the processing of plant biomass (review). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 2 (247), pp. 5–12 (In Russian). DOI:
This article analyzes the literature on the application of the auto-hydrolysis-explosion method in the chemical, mechanochemical and biotechnological processing of permanently renewable lignocellulosic plant biomass for its delignification and activation in order to obtain wood-fiber mass, cellulose and microcrystalline cellulose, wood-fiber and chipboard, increase the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis and bioconversion processes to obtain various products and assess the prospects for industrial implementation.
The theoretical and applied aspects of the method of explosive autohydrolysis of growing biomass are considered.
Explosive autohydrolysis-an explosion provides a short-term high-temperature treatment of the initial wet lignocellulose material at an increased pressure and then an instantaneous pressure relief to atmospheric pressure (the effect of a steam explosion). In this case, the hydrolysis of hemicellulose and the amorphous part of cellulose is carried out without the introduction of catalysts (autohydrolysis), as well as the destruction of lignin and a decrease in its molecular weight. As a result of rapid decompression of the autohydrolyzed material, it is fractionated into the products of hydrolysis of hemicelluloses and low-molecular fraction of lignin and a solid residue consisting of cellulose and lignin.
At present, the designs of laboratory, pilot and pilot-industrial installations for the implementation of the process of autohydrolysis-explosion and separation of the components formed in this process have been developed.
The autohydrolysis-explosion method is an environmentally safe and effective process of hightemperature processing of lignocellulosic plant biomass to obtain various types of popular products and is of absolute interest for implementation in industry.
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