UDC 630*23:630*915:630*181.32
Key words: Exclusion Zone, former locality, fertile soils, forest formation, forest stand, undergrowth, understory.
For citation: Garbaruk D. K., Uglyanets A. V., Voronetskaya A. N. Forest formation in former localities located on fertile soils in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Exclusion Zone. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 36–50 (In Russian). DOI:–50.
34 years after the evacuation of the population, mixed dense forest phytocenoses formed on 80– 95% of the area of resettled villages located on fertilesoils in the Belarusian sector of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. There are 37 tree and 31 shrub species growing in them. The dendrological diversity of the formed phytocenoses is higher in villages located near forests.
The forest stands are dominated by alien harmful (ash-leaved maple, white acacia, white poplar), local forest (silver birch, European white elm, Norway maple, aspen, European ash) and fruit (garden plum, domesticated apple, common pear) species.
Undergrowth and understory are characterized by different composition and density. The natural regeneration of local hardwoods species ranges from good to unsatisfactory. Its course is limited by low illumination under the canopy of forest stands, dense grass cover. Garden plum predominates in the understory, but the number of local forest species and the number of their populations are gradually increasing.
Forest formation on glades is unsatisfactory. This process is restrained by dense grass cover, strong turf and not enough of seed material.
In the future, in the resettled villages, it is expected to expand the stands of white poplar, displacement of stands of fruit species and partial replacement of stands of ash-leaved maple and white acacia by local shade-tolerant species.
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