UDC 674.914:674.338
Key words: mathematical model, knife, aggregate processing, durability, forecast, chipper canter.
For citation: Klepatski I. K., Rapovets V. V. Mathematical model forecast change rounding radius cutting edge knife of chipper-canter machines. Proceedings BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 340–344 (In Russian).DOI:–344.
The analysis of works on the methods of mathematical forecasting is carried out. Based on the results of experimental studies carried out on the basis of JSC Borisovskiy DOK to study the durability of woodcutting tools made of alloy steel 6CrС used on small-blade cutters of a canter-milling machine LINK VS22, a set of data was obtained for the cutting edge rounding from the volume of processed Scotch pine wood.
A direct study of the physical parameters of the model under study (for example, the radius of rounding of the cutting edge of a wood-cutting tool) cannot give a meaningful description for most of the output data (dynamics of the cutting edge durability, the quality of the lumber obtained, etc.) when performing a production (field) experiment. Nevertheless, they can serve as empirical models. A valid empirical model should adequately describe the observed parameters, and also be suitable for predicting the output parameters.
In the presented article, the possibility of describing by the least squares method the forecast of the loss of the cutting ability of the knife blade when milling with small-knife end-conical milling cutters is considered.
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