UDC 630*232

  • Sevko Oksana Aleksandrovna − PhD (Agriculture), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Forest Inventory. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: current growth, spatial structure, current growth, spatial structure, pine-spruce forest stand, regression analysis.

For citation: Sevko O. A. The influence of changes in the spatial structure on the growth of the second layer of spruce in a complex tree. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 28–35 (In Russian). DOI:–35.


The paper presents a study of the influence of changes in the spatial structure on the growth of the spruce part of a complex stand and the possibility of forming an optimal spatial structure by thinning. The results obtained make it possible to optimize the ongoing thinning to maximize the growth of forest stands and to maximize the profit from forest growing.

Based on the spatial distribution of trees in a complex forest stand, an assessment was made of the interspecific influence of trees on the considered spruce trees located in the second tier of the stand. The study used a regression analysis of the dependence of radial growth on the spatial structure of the stand around the trees under study. Radial growth was studied using core samples taken from 20% of spruce trees on the test plot. The influence of neighboring trees on the central trees was assessed and the most significant influencing parameters were determined.

It was revealed that the increase in volume gain 5–6 years after thinning reached 30–37%. The correlation coefficients of the considered equations of the relationship between the taxation indicators of the studied spruce trees from the spatial structure of the stand reached 0.67–0.72. The greatest influence is exerted by pine and birch trees, located in the first tier of the stand.


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