UDC 674.04.047.3

  • Rudak Oksana Gennadievna − Master of Engineering, Senior Lecturer, the Department of Technology and Design of Wooden Articles. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., Minsk, 220006, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: heating, thermal and moisture conductivity, heat and mass transfer, temperature gradient, equation, thermal conductivity.

For citation: Rudak О. G. Research of the processes of heat and mass transfer during heating of wood in an unsaturated environment. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 277–283 (In Russian).DOI:–283.


The article describes the results of a study of the heating mechanism in an unsaturated environment. It is noted that during the initial heating, both the temperature and the moisture content of the wood on the sample surface change. It is concluded that in the process of heating in wood, two jointly occurring processes of heat transfer occur: thermal conductivity directed from the surface layers of the assortment to the inner ones, and moisture conductivity in the opposite direction. In this work, attention is drawn to the fact that the initial heating of wood refers to a non-stationary regime, since there is a time-varying and cross-sectional temperature of the sample itself (surface – inner layer), as well as the temperature of the treatment agent. The process of initial heating of wood in an unsaturated environment is characterized by the formation of three zones along the thickness of the sample: diffuse with a moisture content below Wlg; zone of evaporation of free moisture (the average moisture content of wood here is higher than Wlg); capillary zone with approximately the same moisture content throughout the thickness above Wlg. Since both a temperature difference and a humidity difference are formed over the cross section (thickness) of the sample during the heating period, the total moisture flow takes into account the total effect of the moisture content and temperature gradients. From the basic law of moisture movement and the law of thermal conductivity for wood, a system of equations was obtained that allows simulating the movement of heat and moisture during heating in an unsaturated environment.


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