UDC 630*377.21(252.6)

  • Shoshyn Artsiom Olegovich − assistant, the Department of Mechanics and Engineering. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:,

Key words: standing skyline, technology, waterlogged areas, methods of work.

For citation: Shoshyn A. O. New technological solutions for standing skyline in waterlogged areas. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 224–235 (In Russian).DOI:–235.


New technological methods of operation of a standing skyline are proposed when yarding wood in swampy conditions. As a result of experimental studies in winter and summer, a full range of operational features of the use of cable yarders in swampy logging areas was identified: multiple contact interactions of a trilled pack of timber with high stumps, timber in an apiary, groundwater discharge to the surface of a logging area, and etc. A technology for the development of cutting areas with the help of standing skyline, based on the technology of work of standing skyline, has been proposed. New methods of felling, under-drifting and yarding were proposed for the main technology. The main principle of the developed techniques is in the felling of trees in such a way that they are skidded without contact with the supporting trees and anchors of the intermediate support. Depending on the location of the pack, several options for working methods are offered: moving the pack bypassing the anchors or between the anchor and the supporting tree; turning the butts until they coincide with the axis of the skidding corridor or partially pulling the pack in the direction opposite to the main direction of skidding with subsequent movement along the skidding corridor.


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