UDC 630*377.4
Key words: mathematical model, skidder, technological equipment, dynamic loading.
For citation: Isachenkov V. S., Ariko S. Ye., Simanovich V. A. On the question of choosing the parameters of the technological equipment of skidders. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 218–223 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2021-246-28-218–223.
When logging operations in areas with weak bearing capacity of soils, an increase in the traction and dynamic qualities of wheeled skidders can be achieved by improving the design of the engine, transmission, chassis or technological equipment. Such changes can achieve a redistribution of loads on the load-bearing systems in the process of movement and reduce the dynamic load of machines, increasing their productivity and durability. The main way to further develop the design of wheeled skidders, in our opinion, is to improve the technological equipment, the correct choice of parameters of which is due to the natural and climatic conditions of logging.
The article presents mathematical models of the movement of a wheeled skidder with trailed technological equipment of different design features. A three-axle bogie was taken as a support system.
A theoretical assessment of the dynamic loading of the main structural elements of a wheeled skidder and technological equipment has been carried out.
Based on the analysis of the results obtained, the most rational version of the design parameters of technological equipment for a wheeled skidder when working on soils with a weak bearing capacity is proposed, which allows you to minimize the dynamic loading and energy costs during the skidding process.
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