UDC 621.785.533
Key words: operation, transmission parts, forestry machines, wear resistance, gear wheels, surface hardening, surface roughness, microhardness.
For citation: Simanovich V. A., Pishchov M. N., Belsky S. E., Tsaruk F. F., Skvortsov D. N. Analysis of the main operating conditions and dynamic loading of critical parts of the transmission of skidders. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry, Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 212–217 (In Russian).DOI:–217.
The article analyzes the operating conditions of forest mobile machines. It was found that under medium loading conditions of a mobile skidder, the torque on the parts of the front drive axle does not exceed 1000 Nm. In case of overloading of the rear axle of the skidder, when a pack of trees is suspended in the power circuit of the equipment, the maximum moments on the rear axle shafts reach values 2–2.5 times higher than the moment when starting the tractor. This leads to the formation of residual plastic deformations on the contact surface of the gear pairs, which significantly reduces their total resource. On the basis of the studies carried out, transmission parts that have failed as a result of intense wear were identified, and the mechanism of their destruction was also established. A technology for their surface hardening with powder mixtures containing boron, aluminum and silicon (boronation and borosiliconization) is proposed, which significantly reduces the wear of these parts, thereby increasing the operating time of heavily loaded transmission parts of forest mobile machines.
It was found that when strengthening heavy-loaded and high-wearing parts of transmissions of forest mobile machines by complex boriding, the permissible contact stresses of the surface layer increase, which prevent surface wear, as well as the formation of plastic deformations to a depth of 200–250 microns, which leads to an increase in the service life of these parts.
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