UDC 629.032
Key words: wheel mover, soil base, volumetric deformation, wheel load, rolling resistance moment.
For citation: Kim Y. A., Naskovets M. T., Zharkov N. I., Gil V. I. Research of the interaction process of the wheel drive with double-layer soil base. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 208–211 (In Russian). DOI:–211.
In connection with the increase in the energy saturation of forest machines, tractors and specialpurpose equipment, their mass increases, therefore, the loads of their running systems on the supporting surface increase. There are such negative phenomena as overconsolidation of the soil above the permissible norms, which increases the energy consumption for movement.
To take into account the change in the resistance of soil foundations during deformation, calculation models are used that schematize the relationship between the load on the soil mass and its settlement. The most widespread is the model of a linearly deformable half-space. The soil is considered as a continuous homogeneous linearly deformable body, infinitely extending in depth and to the sides and bounded from above by a plane.
In reality, the subgrade is usually a multi-layer structure. The subgrade is usually a multi-layer structure. The upper layer has a limited thickness, while the lower one is an elastic half-space. Representation of soils in the form of several layers, assuming a constant modulus of elasticity for each of them, makes it possible to more accurately take into account the natural composition of the subgrade.
As a result of the research, a solution was obtained that allows one to determine the magnitude and nature of the stress distribution, as well as the moment of rolling resistance of the wheel and its dependence on the properties of interacting bodies.
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