UDC 630*614.3
Key words: technology, hard-to-reach felling areas, machine system, efficiency.
For citation:Dukhovnik A. A., Leonov E. A., Ariko S. Ye., Klokov D. V. Perfection of technology development of difficult-cutting fund. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 196–201 (In Russian). DOI:–201.
The article deals with the topical issue of the development of hard-to-reach logging fund in the conditions of logging enterprises of the Republic of Belarus. A feature of the development of such cutting areas is the significant use of manual labor, low productivity and a high probability of industrial injuries. This leads to incomplete development of the allowable cut. To solve the problem posed, the authors propose a new method for the development of cutting areas. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the cutting area is developed in two stages. At the first stage, its accessible sections are developed in strips equal to the double reach of the harvester's hydraulic manipulator. For this, the “harvester and forwarder” machine system is used. At the second stage, hard-to-reach areas of the felling area are developed with their breakdown into apiaries 25–30 m wide perpendicular to the access logging track. To do this, use chainsaws, a wheeled skidder and a harvester. The proposed method for the development of felling areas will reduce the share of manual labor in operations for clearing trees from branches and bucking logs in hard-to-reach areas. This will ensure an increase in the productivity of work at such cutting areas by 19-23%. The machine method of delimbing will reduce injuries during work, provide a higher production culture. This method of developing the cutting area will improve the safety of terrestrial vegetation, improve biodiversity due to less impact on the soil of the wheeled propeller. Such measures will lead to an acceleration of the reforestation process in the areas where logging was carried out.
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