UDC 630*36:621.9
Key words: harvester, forwarder, chipper, transport vehicle, log truck, road train, machine system, technology, resource, volume of preparation, navigation systems.
For citation: Golyakevich S. A. Analysis and prospects of logging technology in natural production conditions of the republic of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 188–195 (In Russian). DOI:–195.
The article analyzes the current state of logging at the enterprises of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus. The volumes of logging production in the context of state production forestry associations, the share of machine harvesting and rendering of logging services by third-party organizations are noted. The data on the state of the machine and tractor fleet, its quantitative and qualitative composition for each type of machines are given. Information is given on the degree of wear and tear of the fleet of cars and the need for its renewal. A significant unevenness of the wear of equipment has been established within the framework of individual state production forestry associations SPFAs. It was also noted that, despite the existing trend of a decrease in the volume of workpieces with an increase in the age of machines, there is no clearly pronounced correlation between these indicators. In addition, there are not isolated examples in which machines, which are much older, harvest large volumes of wood. It is hypothesized that these cases may be a consequence of a significant difference in the qualifications of operators, which should be compensated for by debugging the training process. There is a tendency to an increase in the installation of navigation and information equipment on logging machines. Directions for the development of mechanized billeting in the country are given.
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