UDC 634.739:631.527(476)

  • Gordey Dmitriy Vasil’yevich − PhD (Biology), Senior Lecturer, the Department of Tourism, Nature Management and Game Management. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

  • Morozov Oleg Vcevolodovich − – DSc (Biology), Professor, the Department of Forestry and Forest Use. Bialystok University of Technology (8, Pilsudskiego str., 17-200, Haynowka, Republic of Poland). E-mail:

Key words: lowbush blueberry, breeding improvement, Motego, Ynka, Polovchanka, developed riding peat bogs, Belarusian Lakeland.

For citation: Gordey D. V., Morozov O. V. The characteristics of Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. varieties of belarusian selection and conception of further selection improvement of species under cultivation in conditions of a developed riding peat bogs in Belarusian Poozerie. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 179–187 (In Russian). DOI:–187.


In 2014, the world assortment of lowbush blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) was replenished with varieties of Belarusian breeding: Motego, Polovchanka and Yanka. Their purpose are to involve cultivation on the areas of a developed riding peat bogs in Belarusian Lakeland as part of the implementation of the idea of developing northern blueberry farming in the country.

High yields and the ability to quickly form a continuous cover determine the breeding value of the Motego variety. But the widespread use it for the creation of industrial plantations is hindered by the non-simultaneous ripening of berries. At the same time, the possibility of successfully introducing the Motego variety into the practice of amateur gardening was due to its unpretentiousness and high decorative qualities.

Polovchanka and Yanka varieties are oriented towards industrial blueberry growing. If the first has a pronounced ability to expansion as a result of the formation of a large number of daughter bushes, then the second has a bush crown structure suitable for carrying out mechanized berries harvesting, represented by erect and low twiggy shoots.

The concept of further selection improvement of lowbush blueberries suggest maintaining the varieties adapted as possible to mechanized berries and having the following characteristics: bush height in the range of 25.0–30.0 cm, low twiggy and elastic shoots, reach yields 15 t/ha and more, with simultaneous ripening of fruits, large, sweet and aromatic berries on long petiole, as well as high ability to form daughter bushes, resistant to negative temperatures, drought, flooding, diseases and pests.


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