UDC 504.54

  • Andreeva Victoriya Leonidovna − PhD (Agriculture), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Geography and Methods of Teaching Geography. Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank (18, Sovetskaya str., 220089, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: landscape and aesthetic attractiveness, assessment of the aesthetic attractiveness of landscapes, attractiveness, aesthetic geography, tourist potential.

For citation: Andreeva V. L. Studying a variety of criteria for aesthetic evaluation of landscapes. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 170–178 (In Russian). DOI:–178.


The attractiveness or aesthetic appeal of a landscape is determined by the beauty of the area, its attractiveness to humans and serves to preserve psycho-physical health and good rest for people.

The tourist potential of a territory is determined, among other things, by the presence of natural objects and phenomena, a set of means and conditions for the formation of a tourist product. Consequently, the aesthetic assessment of the attractiveness of landscapes makes it possible to identify the most economic and ecological promising territories for the development of tourism and recreation.Aesthetic assessment of the attractiveness of landscapes allows to select the most economic and ecological promising territories for the development of tourism and recreation. The article discusses the criteria for assessing the attractiveness of landscapes in order to form tourist facilities and services. The history of the study of landscape aesthetics is given, the features of its two directions and modern paradigms are indicated. The concepts of landscape attractiveness and repellency are described. The characteristics of the criteria for assessing aesthetic attractiveness are stated: the degree of diversity and uniqueness of landscapes, components of landscape composition, relief, climate, inland waters, soil and vegetation cover. The leading criterion for the aesthetic appeal of a territory is the degree of its diversity. Lively saturated landscapes have always attracted the attention of respondents in comparison with monotonous monotonous territories. Examples of visual (color (light), tactile, odoric (smell), sound presentation of information) are given.


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