UDC 630*4
Key words: coniferous plantations, longhorn beetles of the genus Monochamus, pheromone preparation “MONVABOL”, attractive activity, registration tests, method of number monitoring.
For citation: Usenya V. V., Blinova N. S. Monitoring of the number of longhorn beetles of the genus Monochamus with the application of the pheromone Preparation MONVABOL in coniferous plants. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 164–169 (In Russian).DOI:–169.
The registration tests of the domestic pheromone drug “MONVABOL” were carried out in coniferous stands of forest fund of the Gomel State Production Forestry Association. The pheromone drug “MONVABOL” is intended for implementation of pheromone surveillance of longhorn beetles of the genus Monochamus and is characterized by high attractive activity. Based on the results of the registration tests, the pheromone drug “MONVABOL” was included in the State Register of the Plant Protection Products (Pesticides) and Fertilizers, Permitted for Use on the Territory of the Republic of Belarus for use in forest fund in order to monitor the number of longhorn beetles of the genus Monochamus. The Certificate No. 4767 on the state registration of the drug, issued by the State Institution “Main State Inspection for Seed Production, Quarantine and Plant Protection”, was received.
Based on the research, the method for pheromone monitoring and evaluation of number of longhorn beetles of the genus Monochamus was developed using the trap for catching longhorn beetles of the genus Monochamus (TU BY 100984088.007-2020) and the pheromone drug “MONVABOL”. The method determines the process of their application; forest stands for monitoring; recommended timing and consumption rate; indicative criteria for evaluation of number of longhorn beetles in pheromone traps.
The use of this method in forest protection practice allows to promptly carry out control of number and distribution of pests in coniferous plantations of Belarus.
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