UDC 630*453

  • Usenya Vladimir Vladimirovich − Corresponding Member of the National Academy Seiences of Belarus, DSc (Agriculture), Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific Work. Institute of Forest of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (71, Proletarskaya str., 246001, Gomel’, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

  • Sevnitskaya Natal’ya Leonidovna − PhD (Biology), Head of the Laboratory of Problems of Restoration, Protection and Conservation of Forests. Institute of Forest of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (71, Proletarskaya str., 246001, Gomel’, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

  • Pomaz Galina Mikhaylovna − researcher, the Laboratory of Problems of Renewal, Protection and Forest Conservation. Institute of Forest of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (71, Proletarskaya str., 246001, Gomel’, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key word: pine stands, stem pests, Ips acuminatus Gyll., logging residues, felling, mulcher, biological efficiency.

For citation: Usenya V. V., Sevnitskaya N. L., Pomaz G. М. Assessment of biological efficiency of different methods clearing of cutting areas from logging residues on felling pine stands in the foci of pine stem pests. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 2 (246), pp. 157–163 (In Russian). DOI:–163.


In 2019–2020 entomological examination of logging residues before and after their utilization was carried out on felling drying pine stands at different periods of clear sanitary felling in the state forestry institutions.

The number of dominant xylophagous insects in logging residues and biological efficiency of various methods of their utilization on felling drying pine stands in the spring, summer and autumn-winter periods have been estimated.

With high-quality cleaning of felling areas the biological efficiency of burning logging residues in relation to stem pests averaged 90.59–92.54%, 92.39–94.03% in spring and summer periods, shredding – 90–93.8%, 93.52% in spring, autumn-winter periods. In addition to the Ips acuminatus Gyll. other dominant xylophagous insects Pityogenes bidentatus Hbst., Orthotomicus proximus Eichh., larvae of barbels are also destroyed on felling areas, which are of secondary importance. The biological efficiency of burning in the spring and summer periods (92.54 and 92.49%) and shredding in the spring and autumnwinter periods (93.8 and 93.52%) of logging residues against the Ips acuminatus Gyll. is almost the same.


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