UDC 327.8::321(436.7+47.07::497.1)
Key words: Russia, Austria, Serbian Principality, Crimean War, Svyatoandrevskaya Assembly, Preobrazhenskaya Assembly
For citation: Skorb M. G. The policy of Russia and Austria in relation to the change of the state structure of the Serbian principality (1856–1869th). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 23–27 (In Russian). DOI:
Тhe article is devoted to the policy of Russia and Austria in relation to changes in the state structure of the Serbian Principality after the end of the Crimean War and before the murder of Prince Michael. During the first half of the nineteenth century. Russia and Austria were the most important states that the Serbian elites were guided by when reforming the state structure of the Serbian Principality. After the Crimean War and the St. Andrew's Assembly, both Russia and Austria lost their leading political influence in the Balkans in general and in Serbia in particular. The most important issues of the internal structure of the Serbian Principality, which caused a sharp reaction from Russia and Austria, were the issues of the ruling dynasty, the succession to the throne, the adoption of a new constitution, the withdrawal of Turkish garrisons from the territory of the principality and the transfer of Turkish fortresses to the Serbian government. In carrying out its policy, Russia advocated a gradual reduction of the influence of the Porte on the internal affairs of Serbia. In turn, Austria, on the contrary, sought to reduce the autonomous privileges of the Serbian Principality as much as possible and to involve the Ottoman government in solving the Serbian problems, the tendency to ideological coloring of a number of subjects remains and increases.
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