UDC 355.02

  • Ksenofontov Vladislav Anatol’yevich – PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Professor, the Department of Ideological Work and Social Sciences. Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus (220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: national security, military conflict, participants of military conflict, regular and irregular character, hybrid conflict, philosophy of war.

For citation: Ksenofontov V. A. Military conflict: typology and principles of conducting. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 161–165 (In Russian). DOI:


Problems of military construction require understanding of types of prospective military conflicts, the principles of their conduct, as they affect the ideology of ensuring military security. Typology of military conflicts according to the criterion of the forces used by the parties is considered (I. M. Popov, M. M. Khamzatov). Participants in a military conflict can be of two types: regular and irregular. Depending on their composition, conflicts are classified as: traditional (regular) war; pacifying war; rebel war; bandit war. The difference between symmetric and asymmetric military conflicts is demonstrated. The western concept of the fourth generation of war is considered. Attention is drawn to the theory of “mutiny” by E. Messner. The features of the fourth generation of war, in which the main field of war is national consciousness and national culture, are revealed. It is argued that military conflicts will have a complex regular-irregular nature. A hybrid military conflict is shown. It is concluded that the combined nature of confrontation remains a characteristic feature of modern military conflicts. Western theorists do not distinguish a clear boundary between war and peace. The understanding of the philosophy of struggle (war) is a methodological basis of ensuring national security.


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