UDC 316.4+316.7

  • Kolyadko Il’ya Nikolaevich – PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science. Belarusian State University (4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: social system, cultural tradition, power, value-normative system, social order, metamodern.

For citation: Kolyadko I. N. Cultural tradition and the crisis of legitimation in the development of the social system: reception of metamodern. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 155–160 (In Russian). DOI:


One of the main challenges for the development of a social system in the face of the deformation of its fundamental foundations and the transition to a new order is the crisis of legitimation. Legitimacy, in turn, rests on the value-normative invariant sanctioned by the cultural tradition, which sets the parameters of the social order. The recognition of cultural universals as values that form the basic parameters of the integrative quality of the social system is a process of legitimation, the establishment of power as a means of maintaining and reproducing social order. At the same time, ideology assumes values-norms that order social interaction. In a transforming society, due to the absence of a recognized system of values as legitimate, one of the ways to exercise power and maintain order is manipulation.

The current crisis of legitimation, giving rise to a confrontation of social forces in society, is resolved by reaching agreement (“hegemony” in the terminology of A. Gramsci). The newly interpreted cultural universals that underpin the “picture of social reality” in metamodernism act as complementary ones, equally claiming to be recognized as legitimate. In this case, the change in worldview paradigms in the course of the “passive revolution” appears as a process of fragmentation of the “collective will”, which is fraught with the danger of an increase in fundamentalism and extremism.


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