UDC 141.319.8+101.1:316
Key words: man, nature, society, paradigm, paradigm shift, norm, model, behavior
For citation: Zakharova N. E. Human socio-natural perspectives: a paradigm shift. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 138–141 (In Russian). DOI:
A paradigm is a system of fundamental scientific concepts accepted and shared by the scientific community. In its value discourse, the paradigm affects the goals, means and meaning of socio-ecological development. For its interpretation, the philosophical and scientific understanding of a person, his needs and interests is important. There is an urgent need for the synthesis of natural science, social, cultural, psychological theories and research for the study of economic, political, socio-ecological phenomena, human consciousness and culture, his prospects in resolving the ecological crisis. The article provides a methodological analysis of the concepts of “paradigm”, “change of paradigms” in connection with the increase in knowledge about human nature in biology, philosophical anthropology, psychology, sociology, education; shows their dialectical relationship based on the principles of universalism and the synthetic theory of evolution. The productivity of this paradigmatic shift in the interpretation of man and the scientific design of his socio-natural perspectives is analyzed from a noospheric perspective. The content of social, integral, co-evolutionary, psychological paradigms in the interpretation of human nature and his relationship with nature on the principles of dialogism is revealed. Obviously, many types of behavior of modern people require their study from the point of view of evolutionary theory, since the main task of any community is to ensure its survival in constantly changing conditionsealed.
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